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Apr 30, 2020

body hair is a messy topic. my friend Kaeden shares a story about a time he had to make a real important decision about his. and we dive a bit into the history of how we in the US got to where we are around body hair beauty standards. its....not great. 

Further reading (and the sources for my research):

Apr 23, 2020

Lots of trans folks have complicated feelings about the word dude. Helen Zaltzman from the Allusionist joins me to help unpack the word's history and usage. A few trans friends also join me to talk about why we love or hate it.

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Apr 16, 2020

I dig my voice, but it took me awhile to get there. being a podcaster and a public speaker, I'm in sort of a unique spot in having years of documentation in that area. This week, a retrospective!

Apr 2, 2020

trans folks have lots of feelings about our voices. this week we ask some questions. next week we'll get some answers